One of the things I'm noticing about productivity of a group is that it relies on human relations too much. And for me as a not-human person, this is very stressful.
Let's say 4 people are working on building a product, this means there is 6 different combination of one-to-one relations that needs to be OK in order to build the things you are building efficiently. (2 sized combination of 4)
Making sure this relations stays cool is a full-time job. I guess this is why we have managerial people. Without this sort of structure where people working on a project is handled by someone that directs them or in a sense limits them, it is possible to face a lot of problems.
And limiting people in a creative work is like squeezing a lemon and eating its flesh :)
I feel like this is inefficient as in of itself for a small to mid-range project to have too many unpredictable people involved.
With my most recent experience I have personally decided that I will work alone or just one other partner, instead of trying to diversify the talent pot.
One more note is that, it is really hard to work with contrarian people, doesn't matter how talented they are, its just not worth the stress.
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