You shouldn't share how much money you make is one of the things people just blindly follow without actually critically thinking about it.
Why are we all just not making the amount of money we are making public?
Money is a metric, a compansation to the value. It is not something personal, It can roughly define how successful you are, or how much value you are creating.
For a person, there is no logical reason why you shouldn't share how much money you are making publicly. I know that some companies make you sign stuff that prohibits you from doing this in order to make sure the employer market is not an open enough market, to drive the prices as low as they can. Because when you can't compare this companies value compansation to others you will never be sure the value you are selling is being compensated fairly.
For a project or private company, there is this wierd argument that the data of money you are making will be an advantage for your competitors. I disagree with this, the marketing benefit of revenue sharing would most of the time weigh more than your competitor making decisions depending on your revenue.
Plus, you can argue that revenue sharing can promote new healthy competition. Which would grow the market you are in, and ultimately if you have the best product you can have, your project/company would greaten.
Conclusion, if you are striving for building the best product, share your revenue!
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